Individuals and businesses can pay their Maryland taxes with a credit card. This service applies to taxes owed for the current year or any back year if you have a bill. If you file your return electronically by April 15, you have until April 30 to make the credit card payment. You can make your individual or business tax payment online or by telephone through one of the providers listed below. Attention: Due to Comptroller of MD System Upgrades:
The Credit Card option to file and pay Withholding tax will be discontinued as of 7/17/2023 at 6pm. The June 2023 return due July 15th, is the final filing period that will allow the combined tax return form and payment in the credit card application.
The Credit Card option to file and pay Sales and Use Tax will be discontinued as of 7/20/2023 at 6pm. The June 2023 return due July 20th, is the final filing period that will allow the combined tax return form and payment in the credit card application.
For other filing and payment options, see Electronic Filers
Electronic filers do not need to submit Form PV if you choose to pay by credit card. See more information on electronic filing and paper forms that may need to accompany it.
Estimated Taxes
If you choose to pay your estimated quarterly income taxes with a credit card, either online or by telephone, then you do not need to file Form PV.
All companies collect a non-refundable, service fee for processing the credit card payment. The fee does not go to the state of Maryland. The minimum transaction amount for a credit card payment is one dollar.
Do not include the amount of the service fee as part of the tax payment.
Once you have all the above information, you are welcome to proceed to one of our automated, self-service payment options below.
After your payment is authorized, you will receive a transaction ID. Please retain this for your records. Please allow up to three to five business days for your payment to be applied to your account.