It’s not a secret and both scientists and spiritual masters agree: positive language can change your life, because it can literally change your brain. It’s been proven that you can make your day better by using positive words, because you will feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Whenever I host a workshop or moms group, I always use kinesiology to demonstrate how hearing, writing, speaking – and even thinking – positive words can strengthen your muscles. Kinesiology “is the study of human and nonhuman animal-body movements, performance, and function by applying the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, psychology, and neuroscience. “
Positive words can also promote cognitive function and strengthen areas of the brain’s frontal lobes, so they can help you with planning, controlling and executing behavior (kind of a big deal, right?).
I decided to make a list of positive words with each letter of the alphabet so you can start incorporating them on purpose into your everyday talk. It’s kind of like when you were in elementary school and you were given a list of words so you could make up sentences, only with better results!
absolutely | adorable | accepted | acclaimed | accomplish | accomplishment | achievement | action | active | admire | adventure | affirm | affirmative | affluent | agree | agreeable | amazing | angelic | appealing | approve | aptitude | attractive | awesome | able | acceptance | accepting | activate | add | addition | advantage | aid | aim | accuracy | abundance | appreciate | appreciative | assertive | assertiveness | audacity | aware | awareness | authentic | accountable | accountability | acknowledgement | adventure | adventurous | adaptability | agility | alertness | affection | affectionate | ambition | amazed | attentiveness | anticipation | authenticity | animated | awe | awed | adore | awesomeness | amusing | astonished | angel | admirable | altruism | absolutely | advantageous | affinity, amazement | approval | applaud | attitude | altitude | ardor | accolade | admirer | amicable | accommodating | awake | awaken | amplify | aligned | alignment | assured | articulate | astounding | approachable | amiable | alert | adept | alluring
beaming | beautiful | believe | beneficial | bliss | bountiful | bounty | brave | bravo | bubbly | blessing | blessed | blissful | bloom | balance | blossom | balanced | brilliant | beloved | best | better | bold | boldness | bright | brightness | breezy | brilliance | bravery | belonging | breathtaking | blazing | beauty | benevolent
calm | celebrated | certain | champ | champion | charming | cheery | choice | classic | clean | commend | composed |congratulations | constant | cool | creative | cute | care | caring | create | charm | charming | capable | creativity | celebration | certainty | charity | cuddle | comfort | comfortable | clean | cuddly | cheerful | clarity | commitment | collaboration | curiosity | conscious | change | challenge | communication | community | compassion | connection | connected | centered | courage | courageous | conviction | competent | consistent | contribution | courtesy | cooperation | closeness | curiosity | consideration | communion | collected | conquer | charisma | congruence | companionship | consistency | cordial | cozy | content | compliment | carefree | credible | clever | contemplative | congenial | compassionate | considerate | cautious | captivating | confident | courteous | curious | constructive | committed
dazzling | delight | delightful | distinguished | divine | direction | delicious | dream | do | dreamy | daring | decisive | delighted | dreamy | dynamic | delicate | deserving | decent | desire | devotion | dignity | dazzled | devoted | drive | diversity | dependability | dedication | discovery | deep | determined | diligent | dedicated | detailed | discreet | direct | decorous | debonair | dependable | diplomatic
earnest | easy | ecstatic | effective | effervescent | efficient | effortless | electrifying | elegant | enchanting | encouraging | endorsed | energetic | energized | engaging | essential | esteemed | ethical | excellent | excellence | exciting | exquisite | empathy | empathic | ease | easily | education | empowered | encouraged | enable | elated | encouragement | engaged | energy | educated | elegance | effective | excited | excitement | enjoy | endurance | experience | expertise | enjoyment | eager | elevate | evolve | expression | empowering | enchanted > exhilarating | enthusiastic | ecstatic | equality | exemplary | enlivened | extraordinary | expectant | earnest | enduring | expansive | exalted | effortless | easy-going | exuberant | entertaining | endearing | enterprising
fabulous | fair | familiar | fantastic | favorable | fitting | free | fresh | flourishing | fortunate | friendly | fun | funny| flowing | faith | faithful | favorite | family | flexibility | focus | fulfilled | forgiving | fascinating | fancy | fearless | festive | fit | fortitude | freedom | frank
generous | genius | genuine | giving | glamorous | glow | glowing | good | graceful | great | grin | growing | generosity | genius | gift | genial | generate | giddy | glad | growth | guidance | guide | give | giving | good | goodness | God | grand | great | goddess | gorgeous | grounded | glory | grow | gratitude | gratefulness | gratitude | goodwill | gentle
happy | harmonious | healing | healthy | heartwarming | heartfelt | heart | hearty | heavenly | honest | honorable | honored | hug | hope | humble | happily | human | honesty | harmony | health | hopeful | hope | humor | hero | holy | harness | holiness | honor | hospitality | helpful | holistic | hot | humorous | handsome | hard-working | hilarious
idea | ideal | imaginative | imagine | imagination | impressive | independent | innovate | innovative | instant | instinctive | intuitive | intellectual | intelligent | inventive | inspired | inspiration | interesting | improvement | influence | inner peace | insight | integrity | invigorating | involvement | intention | intentional | illumination | intrepid | innocence | intense | intimacy | investment | incomparable | invincible | interconnected | incredible | ingenious | insightful | inspiring | inquisitive | introspective | industrious | impartial
jovial | joy | jubilant | joyful | joyous | jolly | justice | just
kind | kindness | knowing | knowledgeable | kiss | keen
laugh | light | legendary | learned | lively | lovely | lucid | lucky | luminous | like | love | leader | loving | liberty | luxury | life | longevity | lesson | logical | lovable | loyal
marvelous | masterful | meaningful | merit | meritorious | miraculous | motivating | moving | meaning | more | magnificent | mastery | modesty | motivation | mercy | mindfulness | mindful | miracle | magic | maturity | meditation | mastermind | magnetism | movement | memorable | mesmerizing | majestic | methodical | motivated | magnetic | modest
natural | nice | now | nurturing | nutritious | noble | namaste | nourishment | neat | nirvana | nourish | new
one | open | optimistic | onwards | openly | outstanding | order | overcome | oneness | outgoing | organized | opportunity | original | open-minded | objective | observant | outspoken
positive | paradise | phenomenal | pleasurable | plentiful | pleasant | poised | polished | powerful | prepared | principled | productive | progress | prominent | protected | proud | passion | persistent | peace | prosperity | prosper | persistence | precision | proactive | punctual | patience | power | perseverance | playful | play | playfulness | pleased | pleasing | purpose | prepared | present | polite | possibility | promptness | priceless | participant | progress | privacy | privilege | patient | persuasive | protective | passionate
quality | quick | quiet | quickening | queen | queenly | quietness | qualified | questful
ready | reassuring | refined | refreshing | rejoice | relaxed | respect | reliable | remarkable | resounding | respected | restored | reward | rewarding | right | robust | recommend | relieve | relieved | refreshed | resourceful | responsible | renewed | resilient | reverence | romance | rainbow | risk | relationship | revived | revelation | rest | rested | righteous | release | resplendent | respectful | resolute | reflective | receptive
safe | satisfactory | secure | simple | simplicity | simplify | skilled | skillful | smile | soulful | sparkling | special | spirited | spiritual | stirring | stupendous | stunning | success | successful | sunny | super | superb | supporting | surprising | sacred | selfless | self-esteem | serene | serenity | security | sustained | soulful | self-love | self-compassion | self-care | service | stimulating | satisfying | still | surprised | soul | shelter | space | save | sincere | sympathetic | strive | spontaneous | splendid | supreme | smart | spectacular | shine | sublime | steadfastness | sunny | strong | strength | sentimental | shift | synchronicity | synergy | serendipity | stretch | stellar | supercharged | self-assured | supportive | self-reliant | steadfast | sensitive | steady | spunky | sensible | selective
terrific | thorough | thrilling | thriving | top | tranquil | transforming | transformational | trusting | truthful | true | truth | trust | tact | teaching | teachable | team | thankful | thankfulness | truthfulness | tolerance | tranquility | transparency | tender | touch | thriving | tenacity | triumph | tender | tradition | timely | trustworthy | timing | thrill | transformation | tough | tenacious | talkative | talented | tolerant | thoughtful
unleashed | uplift | unconditional | ultimate | unwavering | up | upbeat | upright | upstanding | useful | understanding | unity | unbelievable | upleveled | understood | unparalleled | uncompromising | unbiased | unique | unconventional | unassuming
valued | vibrant | victorious | victory | vigorous | virtuous | vitality | vivacious | vitality | value | valuable | variety | versatility | vulnerable | vulnerability | validation | virtue | venturous | versatile
wealthy | welcome | well | whole | wholesome | willing | wonderful | wondrous | worthy | wow | warm | wonder | worthiness | win | willingness | wellness | wholehearted | wise
Xenial (means “friendly or hospitable”), xenacious (means “filled with yearning for change”).
yes | yummy | yay | you
zeal | zealous | zest | zing | zestful | zen
Adding these words to your vocabulary (and banning debilitating and negative words) is proven to improve the quality of your life and your relationships. I’d say it’s worth it, right?
Which positive words from the list are your favorite? Which ones could I add? Sending you lots of positivity, love!
Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.
The mission of the Positive MOM blog is to help moms break trauma cycles, find peace, and feel emotionally whole, so they can practice supportive parenting and create a positive and healthy environment for their children. If you found Elayna’s content valuable, please consider donating a love offering to enable her to keep creating content and helping more moms worldwide. Donate HERE.