Student Handbook

The Eagle Eye Student Handbook is designed for student’s to better understand the resources available to them, to outline the policies and procedures that apply to students at UWL. The handbook is a tool to assist students to thrive and have a successful student experience.

Who should use the Eagle Eye Student Handbook?

Students, faculty, staff, parents and families can utilize the Student Handbook to gain a better understanding of options of support, appeal, and grievances at UWL. It is designed to help students, faculty, and staff gain better understanding of the policies, statutes, and procedures supporting student success.

How is the Eagle Eye Student Handbook created?

The Student Life Office works in partnership with departments/offices across campus and in coordination with Wisconsin state statutes, the Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents, Universities of Wisconsin, and University policy. This information is collected in one centralized location, the Eagle Eye Student Handbook. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact the Student Life Office at 608-785-8062 or

Becoming a UWL Eagle

New Student and Family Programs

New Student and Family Programs (NSFP) helps support student success by assisting all new students and their families as they transition into college and continue to be successful students. NSFP builds partnerships with students, parents & families through communication, programming, and resources. Programs coordinated by NSFP include the following: New Student Orientation, Welcome Week, Winter Week of Welcome, Eagle Guides (peer leadership opportunity), Second Year Experience, Family Weekend, and parent involvement and engagement opportunities.

Common student questions

Contact information

Resources and links

Transfer students

Transfer Admissions staff assists students in understanding the admission guidelines and application process. To assist students with understanding how their credits transfer to UWL, we provide information on how to utilize the Universities of Wisconsin credit transfer tools. In addition, we continue to update existing and develop new transfer equivalency guides to assist students in scheduling their courses and planning their transfer to UWL. We complete official credit evaluations after admittance to the University and completion of next steps as outlined in the admissions acceptance packet. We refer prospective students to advisors on campus for course equivalency questions and for assistance with scheduling courses prior to transferring. We offer two group information sessions on select Saturdays during the fall semester and schedule multiple two-year campus visits to promote transfer opportunities at UWL. This work assists students in understanding how to become a UW-La Crosse student and prepares them for a successful transfer transition.

Common student questions

If you have questions like those above, or related questions regarding the admission guidelines and application process, please visit the Transfer Admissions webpage or contact the Admissions Office.

Policies & procedures

To learn more about application procedures, admission guidelines, and undergraduate transfer credit policies, visit the link below and/or contact the Admissions Office.

Contact information

Admissions Office

Resources and links

For information about how your credits transfer between University of Wisconsin schools or Wisconsin Technical colleges visit the Universities of Wisconsin Transfer Tools webpage.

For more information about how credits may transfer, visit the Transfer Guides webpage.

For information about transfer admissions guidelines at UWL, visit the UW-La Crosse Transfer Admissions webpage or give us a call!

Veteran students

The Veterans’ Education Benefits office is designed to ensure Veterans, military dependents, and current Soldiers on campus receive their benefits in a timely manner. Our office can assist these students how to apply for their benefits and explain how the benefits will help them along the way.

The Veterans Lounge (in the Student Union building) is also an excellent room for Veterans to study, relax, eat lunch, and meet other Veterans.

Common student questions

If you have questions like these above, or related questions, log into D2L under “Military-related” or contact the Veterans’ Education Benefits office at 608-785-8631 or email

Policies and procedures

Contact information

Resources and links

Please take a moment and check out the Veterans Services webpage here!

First generation college students

Student Support Services

Each year, nearly 350 students receive support through the Student Support Services (SSS) office. SSS is a federally funded TRIO program designed to provide educational opportunities to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our mission is to serve eligible college students and to foster an institutional climate that supports their short- and long-term success. We provide a variety of services that help enhance students’ academic skills, increase their retention and graduation rates, and facilitate their progression toward graduation and professional programs. In addition, the office facilitates referrals to UWL’s ACCESS Center where qualifying students who may also have a disability can coordinate needed accommodations.

Common student questions

Contact information

Resources and links

Please visit the Counseling & Testing webpage for information about their services.

Adult learners

Adult learners expanding boxes

Campus Child Center

Campus Child Center exists to:

  1. Provide quality childcare, at a reasonable cost, to the children of students of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
  2. Provide quality childcare to children of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse staff members, on a space available basis.
  3. Serve as a fieldwork site for programs including, but not limited to, Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Psychology, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Recreation, Health Education, Management, and Social Work.
  4. Serve as a work site for University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students working through the Federal Work-Study Program or as student help.

Common student questions

  1. What are the ages of children served at Campus Child Center?
  2. Do I need to be a full-time student to enroll my child at Campus Child Center?
  3. Is hourly care available at Campus Child Center?
  4. Can I change my schedule for care needed each semester at Campus Child Center?
  5. How do I apply to work at Campus Child Center?

The answers to these questions can be found by visiting the Campus Child Center webpage.

Contact information

Resources and links

Financial aid, scholarships, grants, It Make$ Cents!

Financial Aid expanding boxes

Financial Aid Office

The UWL Financial Aid Office is committed to addressing the financial concerns of students that are unique to college life through counseling, outreach and financial literacy education. We aspire to equip students with the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to integrate and maintain lifelong financial wellness.

Common student questions