Concealed Carry in Missouri

Effective January 1, 2017, Missouri allows individuals to carry concealed firearms in most locations without first obtaining a permit. In 2016, Missouri legislators overrode the governor’s veto to enact SB 656, which repealed a state law that used to generally prohibit individuals without a permit from carrying concealed firearms. 1 Starting January 1, 2017, the new law allows individuals without a concealed carry permit to carry concealed firearms throughout the state, except that they may not bring concealed firearms:

However, individuals do not violate Missouri law even if they carry a concealed firearm into one of the locations specified as being prohibited if:

For more information on the specific places where concealed carry is prohibited in Missouri, even after the enactment of SB 656, please see our page on Other Location Restrictions in Missouri.

Although it made “permitless” concealed carry lawful in most locations in Missouri, SB 656 nevertheless kept in place Missouri’s concealed carry permitting system, and made certain revisions to that system to make it easier to obtain a permit for a longer period of time. Even though a permit is now not needed to carry concealed firearms in most places within the state, individuals may still wish to obtain a Missouri concealed carry permit, because holders of Missouri permits are allowed to carry concealed weapons in some other states that recognize Missouri’s permits.

For those who seek concealed weapons permits for that purpose, Missouri generally requires a county or city sheriff, or his or her designee, to issue a concealed carry permit if the applicant meets certain qualifications. 6 The sheriff must issue a concealed carry permit if the applicant: 7